Create Beautiful Wedding Centerpieces and favors with SVG Attic

We have another wedding coming up.  My son is getting married in a couple of weeks,( and yes, if you are counting that is 3 children in 18 months that have gotten married).

The night before the wedding we are hosting a Garden Dinner for both families.

The 3D Hanging Lanterns will make the perfect centerpieces.

They are the perfect size, approximately 4"  wide by 7 " tall
and with a votive candle turned on they will give out just the right amount of light.

To decorate the top of the lantern I used flowers and leaves from the G is for Gratitude collection.  There is so much detail on these little lanterns. 
The floral Grille is beautiful as are the side lattice pieces. 
I did mine in a two tone cream and white to match Jamie's decorations.

My favorite part of this file is the Votive candle holder and wax cup.

They are so pretty I think I will use a few of these, tied with a bow and scattered through out the garden.

The wax cup can also hold a single votive.  Wrapped in some Tulle and tied with ribbon, these will make fantastic little favors.

Thank you for joining me today and be sure to check out this and many other files at SVG Attic

Tracy Rushton

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