Paper Closet Designs New announcement

After a year of trial and error, I am excited to announce, Paper Closet Designs is an up an running business. 

First a huge thank you to all those who have already supported and encouraged me, you know  who you are.  It has been a wild ride but I am excited to see where this new adventure will go.

To lessen the confusion, I have a new blog/website Paper Closet Designs

Visit the blog to get information, ideas and purchase links for  you favorite PCD images.

Watch this week and in the up coming weeks, for new files to be released and new ideas! 

So what does this mean for the Idea Closet Blog?

Only that it will get bigger and better.  

Keep checking here for Classes, Tutorials, Design Team projects and all other information for your Digital Cutters! 

Be sure to follow both blogs and stay in the loop! 

You can also find me, Paper Closet Designs and The Idea Closet on 

Thank you again for all your love, encouragement and support!

You are why I love doing what I do!

Tracy Rushton

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