Applique and Silhouette Studio

In January I shared a Pillow I made using heart appliques cut from Silhouette Cameo.
Today I am sharing this Table Runner, another applique project cut using my Cameo.

Let me show you how I prepared and cut the applique for this project.

1. Find a heart file.  I just used one from the store,
Delete any parts that you don't need so it is only the heart showing.

2. Duplicate the heart 4 times so you have a total of 5, (enough for the table runner)

3. Resize the hearts as follows
1@ 8" high
1 @ 6" high
1 @ 4" high
2 @ 2" high

4. Cut from fabric 5 squares of fabric
1 @ 9" x 9"
1 @ 7" x 7"
1 @ 5" x 5"
2 @ 3' x 3'

5. Iron Heat N Bond Light to the back side of each fabric square.

6. Remove the paper backing from the Heat n Bond

7. Place the 9"x 9" fabric square on the mat in the top left hand corner. Fabric side up.

8. In the page set up window change the size to 9" x 9", to match the fabric square.

9. In the drawing area, place the heart in the middle of the page

10. Load your cutting mat into the cameo

11. Open the Send tab
a. Under Material, choose Fabric, Thin
b. Under tools, Select Ratchet Blade 

12. Set the fabric blade to match the setting shown on the screen (setting of 3)

13.Cut the fabric just as you would paper.

14. Repeat for each heart, changing the page size in the Page Setting Panel to match the fabric square you are cutting.

That is it! all of your applique pieces are now cut.

You can use them on the table runner, a pillow or even a quilt. 

Pieces can be hand appliqued or use a setting on your machine (I like to use my blanket stitch)

Applique can be so easy with your Cameo. 

Watch for more projects and ideas using fabric.  And tomorrow join me as I show you how to cut files for your embroidery machines!

Tracy Rushton

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