Bee-utiful Boxes and a card

New Fry Boxes and a Shaped Card available now.  

Bees, Beehives and Honeycombs are so popular right now, and a great way to share a small gift or thought with someone special.

The large Fry Measures approximate 6" tall and features two bees and the honeycomb pattern.
Large Box also comes with a Honeycomb tag and flowers.

The Medium Fry box is perfect for those in between gifts and treats. 
Box measures 4 3/4" tall.  

The Small Fry Box has a beehive on the front with flowers and a bee flying around the top.  
Measures 4" tall and is a great size for  so many things.

The Honeycomb Shaped makes the boxes complete.  
Card has a honeycomb background, Beehive and flying bee.
So pretty.

Files include SVG, GSD, DXF and Score lines for Design Space.

Purchase Files individually or as a set

Tracy Rushton

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